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Uganda Conservation Foundation
Petronel Niewoud - Founder
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Rhino in rehab

Care for Wild (CFW), located in the Kruger area of South Africa, is a globally recognised conservation organisation dedicated to preserving endangered species and safeguarding the precious biodiversity of our planet. They own and operate the largest orphaned rhino sanctuary in the world specialising in the rescue, rehabilitation, rewilding, and protection of orphaned and injured rhinos.


Successful rehabilitation provides the necessary care, support, and resources to facilitate their physical and psychological recovery, enabling them to thrive in the wild once again. It demands unwavering dedication, commitment, empathy, and perseverance which CFW have in abundance.


Care for Wild has already released numerous rhinos, The calf's natural conception and delivery validated the success of the rescue, rehabilitation, and release model. However, sustaining viable breeding populations in the long term relies on sufficient space and critical resources. By expanding protected areas, Care for Wild actively contributes to rewilding natural landscapes and ecosystems.


The organisation also firmly believes that successful conservation goes hand in hand with the involvement of local communities and they place people at the core of their mission by empowering and engaging rural communities as essential partners in preserving biodiversity. OAT are very proud to be one of CFW key supporters of both their welfare and conservation work.

What Care for Wild does



  • Work closely with South African National Parks, provincial parks, and private rhino owners to rescue orphaned or injured rhinos.


  • Provide and operate a comprehensive Rhino rehabilitation and rewilding unit, a complex, dynamic and lengthy process that prepares orphaned or injured rhinos for reintroduction into their natural ecosystem.


  • Establish viable breeding populations and in 2022, a significant milestone was achieved with the birth of the world's first rhino calf to parents both orphaned from poaching.


  • Actively contribute to rewilding large scale natural landscapes and ecosystems and in partnership with the SA government, manage thousands of hectares of protected areas.​​​


How Olsen Animal Trust helps


  • Annual contribution towards the expansion and management of the Barberton and Mountain lands protected areas for the benefit of wildlife released or residing in these areas.


  • Extend an annual grant as a contingency fund to enable the rescue and care for any species.


  • Gave a grant for fencing to expand protected areas.



Project Images - hover over for details

Rescue missions
Rewilding process
OATOKE at Care for Wild
Protected landscapes
Growing populations
Security & protection
Community programmes
Conservation education
Owl in rehab
Rescued hippos
Companion animals

For further information on the work of Care for Wild please visit

 © Care for Wild, Olsen Animal Trust All rights reserved
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