Meet the Team
Sue Olsen

Sue's passion and commitment to animal welfare and compassionate conservation knows no bounds. From this heartfelt place, OAT, and the projects we support continue to grow.
Jon Olsen

Sue's husband Jon is a huge supporter of OAT's work and an integral member of the team, bringing a wealth of experience and commercial nouse across the projects we support.
Dave Higgs

Sue's brother Dave is OAT's man on the ground, affectionately
known as OATOKE. He visits OAT's projects regularly, ensuring the the financial and practical aid being offered is making the biggest and best possible impact.
Catherine Hobbs

Admin & Coordination
Catherine has worked with the Olsens since 2013. Her background in interior design, incredible organisational skills and capacity for multitasking mean she is perfectly suited to OAT's versatile workload.
Polly Mason

Polly & Sue first met in 2014 whilst climbing Mt Kilimanjaro in aid of the Born Free Foundation. Their mutual love of animals resulted in an immediate bond which later developed into a professional working relationship. Polly now helps OAT in all areas of the business.
Will Travers

Will is President of the Born Free Foundation of which Sue is one of the Trustees. Will is a close friend of the Olsen's and regularly works alongside the OAT team as and when his incredible knowledge and expertise is needed.
Even our own beloved rescue dogs get into the OAT spirit at home!

Rescued by Too Many Tears, Molly is an ex-puppy farm breeding bitch who was adopted by the Olsens in 2008. There is no doubt she is the leader of the pack in the house.

Preston is the newest member of the pack, joining the Olsen family in February 2016. His favourite pastime is chasing butterflies and seeing if there are any treats hidden in handbags.

If Jack hasn't got a toy, towel or apple in his mouth it's usually because he is fully submersed in a trough or pond. Originally a stud dog he was rescued by the Olsens in 2010. Sadly he lost one eye as a result of his mistreatment but it certainly doesn't hold him back now, loving every minute of life.